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Setup laser in LightBurn

To setup the laser in LightBurn:

  • Connect the the laser cutter
  • Home the laser

Connect to the laser cutter

In LightBurn, click at the combo box right of 'Devices'. It will probably say COM1 or COM4 or COM6.

Pick a COM port here

Pick a COM port here

Now The Dance starts. The Dance is picking different COM ports, until a connection is established.

Select COM1.

Select COM1

Select COM1

Observe the message 'Waiting for connection' at the top-right (in the 'Console' tab). If you need to wait for this connection longer than 3 seconds, The Dance continues.

If The Dance needs to be continued, click COM4

Select COM4

Select COM4

Observe the message 'Waiting for connection' at the top-right (in the 'Console' tab). If you need to wait for this connection longer than 3 seconds, The Dance continues.

If The Dance needs to be continued, click COM6

Select COM6

Select COM6

In this case, the message 'ok' is shown (in the 'Console' tab). The Dance is over!

Home the laser

Check that the laser can move to the front-left side of the enclosure: that is where its home is. Always home it, even when its already in its corner. After homing it should say "ok" in console again.

Laser homing Laser finished homing
Laser homing Laser finished homing

Press the Home button to make the laser orient itself.

Press the home button

Press home

The laser will move into the front left corner.