8. Your first cut as an operator¶
Finally, we make our first cut!
On your own, do all the steps until (i.e. without) 'Start laser':
- For material, use a match
- For the design, use a very small circle
- The laser is set up to cut the head of the match, using the settings in this guide
- Test that the head of the match will indeed be hit by the laser, using the 'Frame' functionality
Find a controller.
Find a controller to be responsible for starting the laser.
Exercise 1: dry run¶
The first exercise is a dry run of what needs to be done:
- Do the safety procedure as usual
- You say: 'laser started'
- You say: 'all is well'
- You say: 'laser done'
Exercise 2: for real¶
In the second exercise, you make your first cut!
- Do the safety procedure as usual
- You say: 'laser started', 'all is well' and 'laser done'
- You turn off the laser and opens the enclosure
- You take out the material, see if it worked
Do exercise 2 without errors.