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4. Extinguish fire as a controller

Before we make our first cut, we need to be able to extinguish a fire when it occurs.


On your own, do all the steps until (i.e. without) 'Start laser':

  • For material, use a match
  • For the design, use a very small circle
  • The laser is set up to cut the head of the match, using the settings in this guide
  • Test that the head of the match will indeed be hit by the laser, using the 'Frame' functionality

Find an operator to be responsible for starting the laser. You will be responsible for extinguishing the fire!

Exercise 1: dry run

The first exercise is a dry run of what needs to be done:

  • Do the regular safety procedure
  • The operator says: 'laser started'
  • The operator says: 'fire'
  • The operator presses Stop
  • The operator opens the enclosure
  • You pretend to extinguish the fire

Exercise 2: demonstration by operator

In the second exercise, the operator shows how this must be done:

  • The operator follows the regular safety procedure for starting the laser and starts the laser
  • When the fire starts, the operator says: 'fire'
  • The operator turns off the laser, opens the enclosure and extinguishes the fire


Exercise 3: for real

In the third exercise, you will extinguish the fire

  • The operator follows the regular procedure for starting the laser and starts the laser
  • When the first starts, the operator says: 'fire'
  • The operator turns off the laser and opens the enclosure
  • You extinguish the fire


Do exercise 3 without errors.